Added Icons and Color

Update - Today's Progress

Today, several significant updates were made to enhance the visual and gameplay experience of

Number Fields:

-Icons Added:

The game now features distinct icons for bombs, treasures, and flags. This addition improves the clarity and visual appeal of the game, making it easier for players to identify important tiles at a glance.

-Color Indicators for Treasure Proximity:

The adjacency of treasures is now indicated by background color rather than numerical values. This change streamlines the interface and eliminates the need for double-digit numbers, providing a more intuitive way to gauge treasure proximity. The color system is as follows:

  - Yellow: Indicates one adjacent treasure.

  - Blue: Indicates two adjacent treasures.

  - Green: Indicates three or more adjacent treasures.

These updates aim to improve the overall player experience by making the game more visually intuitive and reducing cognitive load. We hope you enjoy these new features and look forward to your feedback!

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